HR Audit | Due Diligence | Compliance
Whether you want to know about to the ‘HR health’ of your current business or a potential merger or acquisition, Talbot Pierce can carry out an audit of the business to identify issues of concern or improvement.
Our HR audit reports set out the current practices and evaluates them against legal requirements (issues of compliance) and best practice in the context of your business.
Are you considering taking over or merging with another business? Have you heard about TUPE (European Communities (Protection of Employees on Transfer of Undertakings) Regulations 2003) and are you concerned about the implications? Do you want a full review of how the prospective acquisition complies with its obligations and what your exposure would be? Talbot Pierce can carry out a full review to assist you in understanding the current situation and advising on what actions you can take to protect and safeguard your business.
Please contact us to discuss how we can assist: [email protected] or (01) 902 00 31